Oracle's lower TCO's reported against SAP on an Oracle affiliated site! Oh, it's very transparent and connects to well document studies, doesn't it?
Anyways, we'll just take their word and say SAP's TCO is almost double that of Oracle's similiar offerings!?
Does anything from Oracle even stack up close to SAP's offerings?
Nope! is the one word answer, no matter which camp you belong to, you cannot bring up a product that seamlessly brings together all aspects of a business as SAP does.
All the modules can be individually customized and presented to the customer for their choosing whenever they want to use that part of the package.
No, it's not a battle royale, Fusion, never was and will never come close to where SAP is in the market today.
High Costs!?!
What's that, do you say a piece of code is costly just because it initially costs higher!?
Have you ever worked in a company where SAP was implemented, do some costing for such a company and then come back and post on the cost savings they've had in their departments after implementing SAP, yes a few implementations do go pear shaped but this is generally not the case.
I don't know about Zoellner's previous jobs but certainly can't find anything on google relating him to know anything that he claims to know about SAP.
(Disclaimer: I'm an SAP Tech. Consultant)
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